You are browsing the c-section tag

How to Care for Your C-Section Scar for Healthy Healing

A C-section leaves behind an incision that reminds you of your little miracle. Get advice on caring for and looking after your scar.

Baby being born via Cesarean Section coming out

Emergency C-Sections: When Things Don’t Go as Planned

After her long labor, one woman managed to avoid an emergency C-section. Learn how and what to do - from her personal experience.

Closeup of scar after C-Section surgery on female belly

To My C-Section Scar . . .

To my C-section scar, thank you for reminding me that bringing new life into this world is a selfless act that I am fully capable of.

Young mother organizing the baby maternity bag

What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag for a C-Section

Make sure you are prepared with this C-section hospital bag checklist. Learn what's essential for childbirth by C-section.

Photo of mother with c-section scar on a belly and her baby lying on the bed

15 Reasons Why Moms Who Have C-Sections Are Amazing

Having a c-section can sometimes get a bad rap. Here are 15 reasons why moms who have c-sections are amazing!

Experiencing Premature Birth…Twice: One Mom’s Story

Experiencing premature birth can be difficult. Experiencing it twice is heart-wrenching. Here, one mom shares her story of premature births.

Gentle cesarean birth

What Is a Gentle Cesarean?

Learn what you need to know about a gentle cesarean, including how it works and why you should specify it in your birth plan.

Mother breastfeeding newborn baby in hospital ward, first breastfeeding

Tips for Breastfeeding After a C-Section

Breastfeeding after a c-section can make things challenging but not impossible. Here are some tips for successful nursing after cesarean.

Surgical team performing Cesarean section on pregnant woman.

Questions to Ask When Planning a C-Section

Whether you're planning a C-section, or you are told you need to have one, there are certain questions you should ask to help you prepare.

Pregnant woman wearing a hospital gown with her hands around her bump.

How to Decide Whether to Have a VBAC or Repeat Cesarean

Deciding to try a VBAC or schedule a Cesarean is an intimately personal choice. Many factors should be considered. Here's what to know.

Surgical team performing Cesarean section on pregnant woman.

C-Sections are Not the Easy Way Out

Are c-sections the "easy way out" when it comes to delivering a baby? One mom shares why c-sections should not be considered easy for moms.

An African American mom gently cradles her newborn daughter in her arms. She is wrapped up and swaddled and is looking up at mom with a content expression. Mom tenderly gazing back at her.

C-Section Recovery Must-Haves

If you are planning on a C-section or had one unplanned, these are the C-section recovery must-haves every mom should have postpartum.

Young woman working out with her baby boy at home

5 Gentle Exercises You Can Do After a C-Section

Ready to start exercising after a c-section? After clearing it with your doctor, try these 5 exercises and follow our dos and don'ts.

A Week-By-Week Guide to C-Section Recovery

A Week-By-Week Guide to C-Section Recovery

A week-by-week guide to C-section recovery to help you better take care of yourself and support your tissues in their healing.

7 Tips for a Smooth C-Section Recovery

7 Tips for a Smooth C-Section Recovery

Tips for recovering from a C-section, including wardrobe, diet, and sleep advice to help make the recovery process easier.

10 Things No One Tells You About Having a C-Section

10 Things No One Tells You About Having a C-Section

In the spirit of keeping it real, I’m going to tell you what I wish someone had told me before having a c-section.

5 Things That Helped Me Through My Unexpected C-Section

5 Things That Helped Me Through My Unexpected C-Section

When your birth plan goes awry, it can be scary. A mom shares 5 tips she learned from her experience of having an unexpected c-section.

Mother smiling at view with her Newborn following surgery.

Hire a Doula For a C-Section?

Hire a Doula for a C-Section? Doulas are hired for all kinds of reasons now and are no longer just for the mamas who want unmedicated births.

19 Tips for Having a Positive Cesarean Birth Experience

19 Tips for Having a Positive Cesarean Birth Experience

Whether planned or unplanned, c-sections can be beautiful & happy birth experiences. Here are 19 tips for a good & satisfying cesarean birth.

Why You Should Have a Birth Plan Even with a C-Section

Why You Should Have a Birth Plan Even with a C-Section

Reasons why you should still prepare a birth plan if you're planning a c-section and questions you may want to consider.