Why You Should Take Your Soon-To-Be Older Child on Your Babymoon

Why You Should Take Your Soon-To-Be Older Child on Your Babymoon

Taking a babymoon with your spouse is becoming more common. But what about taking your soon-to-be older child? Here's why you should!

Updated January 6, 2024 Opinion

When expecting your second child, you may feel like you have so much on your to-do list that you can barely see straight! You start to worry about important issues. Like how much time is left to prepare the new nursery, when or how to return to work, and what changes your relationship with your firstborn will go through. If you haven’t even had time to start writing them down, I don’t blame you! The latter on this list has probably been sitting on your mind since the moment you found out you are expecting again. What about my other child?

Children are resilient. They can adapt and deal with change quickly when in a loving environment. It may feel like adding a sibling will rock their world, but have faith! Your child is probably more excited than you think about the impending new arrival. I’m sure you’ve been spending time reading books, having conversations, and preparing them for what’s to come. But there is one way you can guarantee to help them feel excited, included, and loved before the new baby arrives. Here are 4 reasons you should take your soon-to-be older child on your babymoon.

4 Reasons to Take Your Soon-To-Be Older Child on Your Babymoon

1. It Helps Them to Feel Included

The planning of a child can feel like it is only the responsibility of the parents. We are focused on our upcoming birth’s financial, emotional, and physical aspects. But some duties and changes come along with becoming an older sibling.

A babymoon, which is a trip dedicated to enjoying quality time or going on a last adventure before the birth of a new baby, is the perfect time to include your older child in your plans. You can chat about ways to ease the transition, what feeding the baby may look like, go over what your new days at home will entail, and let the older sibling pick out a gift for their new little brother or sister!

2. It Teaches Them the Importance of Quality Time

Even if your child is too young to understand the wording, they will know when time is carved out for them. The most important aspect of making someone feel loved and appreciated is planning something special for them. Taking your child on a babymoon with you shows them how much you enjoy being with them.

Remind them while you’re traveling that you will still very much be available to them, but you will have to focus on the baby, too. You can explain how they have your attention first on this trip and that baby will need to borrow some of that when they are born. Focusing on your older child is still significant. And the memories you make on your babymoon will be fresh in their mind when the time comes!

3. They Will Learn the Meaning of Individual Relationships

You may be panicking that your child will feel left out when the new baby arrives. But your babymoon may be able to put it in a different perspective! Your travels will show them how you have a separate relationship with your partner, with them, and with the baby in your belly.

They will start to understand how each connection is different yet significant in its own way. Your child will see how your partner cares for you, perhaps holding your bag as you walk onto the plane. They will see how you smile when they hug you, feeling the relationship they cherish with you in their arms. They will witness you caring for your unborn, and you’ll be able to show them ways to adjust to a new baby in the home.

4. It Will Be a Ton of Fun!!!

That’s right! I’m encouraging you to travel with your child, the soon-to-be big brother or sister because it will be fun! Your child loves you and loves spending time with you. What better way for your family to enjoy each other in this current state than a babymoon? Your family dynamic will never be the same as it is now. So take advantage of it! It will also be the last time you will travel as a family of three. Also, the memories you will make are priceless — the bookmark at the end of this chapter.

For all the daunting tasks that seem to pile up toward the end of pregnancy, this checkmark on your list is one you will never forget. Grab your laptop, sit your firstborn in your lap, and get to planning your babymoon! This trip will help your child feel included, show them the importance of quality time, teach them about relationships within your family, and show them a great time! Enjoy your babymoon with your soon-to-be big sibling!

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  • Author

Allison Lang is an avid writer with a passion for all things creative. When she isn’t creating through writing, you can find her renovating her fixer-upper, recording an episode of… Read more

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