Going from Chaos to Calm as a Busy Parent – Podcast Ep 119 - Baby Chick

Going from Chaos to Calm as a Busy Parent – Podcast Ep 119

We chat with Jenna about creating chaos to calm and understanding how we, as parents, can spend more hours appreciating our families and living our lives with intention and joy!

Published October 3, 2023

by Nina Spears

The Baby Chick®: Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum Expert

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While being a parent is one of the greatest joys in life, it can also be overwhelming and exhausting. There is so much to keep up with that parents can often identify as chaos coordinators. From scheduling doctor appointments, play dates, extracurricular practices, preparing meals, cleaning the house, managing all of the big emotions from our little ones, and much more, it can feel like our lists never end. At times, the chaos can be all-consuming. However, it all begins with us if we want to create calm for ourselves and our families in the house. Our guest today, Jenna Hermans, knows all about turning chaos into calm and is sharing her secrets with us!

Who is Jenna Hermans?

Jenna Hermans

Jenna is living proof that you can create a life of calm within chaos and overwhelm. She uses her bachelor’s degree in psychology, master’s degree in organizational management, and over fifteen years of Human Resources experience to build strong teams, both at work and at home. Jenna co-founded Be Courageous, and she’s a busy mom of 4, a coach, and an author. As seen in Forbes, The Sun, ELLE, Yahoo, and more, Jenna takes an intentional and inclusive approach to help people (especially parents) implement tools that put organization and systems around their busy lives that infuse calm and more joy, helping them go from ‘Chaos to Calm,’ which doubles as the title of her debut book that launched in May 2023.

What Did We Discuss?

In this episode, we chat with Jenna about creating more time, less stress, and understanding how we, as parents, can spend more hours appreciating our families and living our lives with intention and joy! Here are several of the questions that we covered:

  • What actionable steps can parents take to begin to reduce the stress and chaos in their lives?
  • Sometimes, the chaos feels so overwhelming that it’s hard to know where to start. How do you recommend that overwhelmed parents take the first step to gaining control?
  • I’ve heard you speak about “owning your calm.” Can you elaborate on this idea?
  • Which habits are most important to reduce the chaos of your daily life and increase your calm?
  • How can communication and what communication tips can help busy parents create more calm?
  • What role does community play in helping parents feel less overwhelmed? How can parents find their community when they may not have one already?
  • I know you talk about self-care as an essential part of creating calm. How do you suggest parents start to care for themselves if this concept is foreign to them?

Jenna’s Resources

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Nina Spears The Baby Chick®: Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum Expert
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Nina is The Baby Chick® & Editor-in-Chief of Baby Chick®. She received her baby planning certification in early 2011 and began attending births that same year. Since then, Nina has… Read more

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